Saturday, May 23, 2015

Goldie Blox review!

Finally got my hands on a GoldieBlox!

I know, I know... they've been around since 2013, so what took me so long

(Well, the price for one. I'm the type of person who'll pay $24 for a fashion doll with extra clothes, but not so much for a smaller doll, even if she does come with building supplies. >_>)

So I waited til she was on Amazon (at a slightly more reasonable price of $16, though she's currently going for $18 if you don't want to pay TRU prices).

If you are unfamiliar, GoldieBlox was started by Debbie Sterling, as a toy to introduce girls to engineering and "disrupt the pink aisle". Sadly, when I've seen GB in stores she's almost always in the crafts, far away from the pink of the "girls toys" aisles and a little hard to find. Plus, our Walmart doesn't carry them at all, our local Aaron Bros doesn't carry the dolls- just the playsets- and I couldn't find them at the Staples, either. However, I have seen them at Toys R Us, and they have a variety of specialty toy stores listed on their webpage. So I don't know how much disruption they're causing- as the doll aisles are almost always empty but there tends to be plenty of GB over in the crafts section. Hmm.